Keynote: The Awe, Angst, and Challenge of Being a Networker in 2020


Keynote: The Awe, Angst, and Challenge of Being a Networker in 2020

Speaker: Avi Freedman

Networks make the digital world go, and as 2020 has progressed, the understanding of the criticality of the digital world to our lives has grown dramatically! Networking was already a complex and rapidly evolving field, mixing many simple concepts, inter-dependence among competitors, a belief by some that networking is being abstracted away, an understanding that automation is critical, but more marketing than hype towards the dream of closed-loop automation.

In this talk, Avi will cover what's changing, what we're aspiring to, what we're behind on, what you're not behind on unless you listen to Marketing BS, a few concrete steps you can take to keep up and even ahead, and some suggestions for the broader NANOG and networker communities to help interest, initiate, inspire, and invest in new and diverse generations of networkers.

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